Astrid Jorgensen, Choral Connection's Musical Director from January 2017 until March 2018, holds a Bachelor of Arts (Music) and a Graduate Diploma of Education (Sec.) from the University of Queensland, and a Master of Music Studies from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music.
She specialised in Aural Musicianship and Conducting in her undergraduate studies, and was awarded the Hugh Brandon Prize as the top conducting student at UQ. She was appointed an Arts Faculty Scholar of UQ, and received 8 Dean's Recommendations for her excellence in music studies. Astrid also received the Griffith Award for Academic Excellence upon the completion of her Masters degree in 2011.
As well as Choral Connection, Astrid is the 2017 musical director of five other choirs one of which is the Community Pub Choir, a community initiative. Choirbolical is an SATB Toowoomba community choir who toured to Tasmania for the Festival of Voices in July of 2017. ASTRID also leads the Queensland Show Choir, an auditioned Brisbane-based SATB ensemble.